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[Special Package] Analytical + Industrial Chemistry — Chemistry Notes by Starsforthefuture

[Special Package] Analytical + Industrial Chemistry — Chemistry Notes by Starsforthefuture


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[Special Package] Analytical + Industrial Chemistry — Chemistry Notes by Starsforthefuture 包括兩冊溫習筆記:

《Starsforthefuture Chemistry Notes》系列亦包括以下筆記:
[Special Package] Analytical + Industrial Chemistry — Chemistry Notes by Starsforthefuture🌟 

1️⃣ Analytical Chemistry:

🔮 秘製 skills and question templates in …

⚗️ Separation and purification
- Templates for recrystallisation, distillation results, liquid-liquid extraction (with clear worked example), chromatography, determine purity
- Skills to determine the most appropriate method for separation and purification

👩🏻‍🔬 Volumetric analysis
- Templates for precipitation titration
- Templates standardisation of KMnO4(aq), detect end-points, preparation of Fe2+(aq), OCl-(aq) and I2(aq) standard solution
- Clear explanation for how can be end-point obtained and effect of pH on Mohr’s method end-point

🧐 Instrumental analytical methods
- Templates for colorimetry (calibration, follow progress, justify)
- Templates for determine structure from IR spec and mass spec
- Skills in determining functional groups in IR spec & deduce structure with detailed worked examples
- Skills in determining and deducing structure in mass spec, esp C=O bonds, with detailed worked examples


 Industrial Chemistry:

🔮 秘製 skills and question templates in …

🧮 Rate equation
- Detailed graphical representation and templates for determining order of reaction from graphs, calculation and explanation
- Templates for measuring initial rate in experiment 
- Template for explanation of using initial rate to determine order of reaction
- Experimental rationales and all templates for procedures to follow the progress of reaction included

🔋 Activation energy
- Template to explain increase in rate due to increase in temperature with Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve
- Common careless mistakes in using graph and Arrhenius Equation included
- Extension with using Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve and Arrhenius Equation to explain shift in equilibrium position due to temperature changes

📈 Catalysis
- Templates to explain increase in rate with energy profile and Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve 
- Templates in explaining autocatalysis

🏭 Industrial process
- Template to justify reaction conditions
- Template to explain how to obtain NaOH(aq) from membrane cell (very difficult to score full)

🌱 Green chemistry
- Mnemonics (記憶術) for green chem principles to revise quickly and use accurately
🌟 [ Special Features of Our Notes ]

✔️ CHECKLIST available to guide you through revisions before exams
✔️ Full-mark ANSWERING TEMPLATE for lots of questions
✔️ EXAM TIPS that point out common careless and misconceptions
✔️ 秘製 TECHNIQUES to tackle questions, with detailed WORKED EXAMPLES given
✔️ 5** extension to provide thorough picture
By 3 students who are TOP FEW in chem exams in 傳統名校:
DSE 筆記 (非手寫)



Analytical Chemistry: 55頁
Industrial Chemistry: 48頁
- 總共103頁

關於作者 Starsforthefuture:


- 2021 DSE chemistry 5** (with 96.6%)

- Studying Chemistry in Oxford

- Previously studying in UST IRE

- Overall F3-F5 1st in form, with senior form prize in F4 and F5 (best performing student in senior form)

- Maths F3-F5 1st in form

- Phy chem bio F3-F6 1st in form with science prize for F4 and F5 (highest overall phy chem bio among F4 to F6 students)

- 2021 DSE Physics 5** (94.6%), Biology 5** (85.4%), much higher than cutoff

- Cambridge natural sciences (physical) (chemistry) conditional offer holder (2021)


- Studying in Australia UNSW Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine

- 2021 DSE Chemistry 5* (91.4%)

- 2021 DSE Biology 5** (81%)

- School Academic Excellence Award in Chemistry and Biology

- School Scholarship holder: Tuition scholarship

- Biology consistently top 3 in form in form 5 & 6

- Previously studying physiotherapy in PolyU


- 2021 DSE Chemistry 5** (96.6%)

- School science subject prize holder

- School scholarship holder

- Core maths F3-F5 ≥ 98%

- M2 1st in class consistently

- Cambridge confirmed offer holder

✅ 以上三位作者身份及資歷已通過 NoteSity 團隊核實



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