Hello~ NoteSity 小編今同大家分享一下英文卷二 Writing Part B嘅基本寫作結構,等同學考試時可以有個更清晰嘅寫作框架!🥳

英文卷二分左兩部分,分別係Part A 短文寫作,同埋Part B 8題選1題嘅400字寫作,其中Part B分左8個topic:

  • Learning English through Sports Communication 
  • Learning English through Poems and Songs
  • Learning English through Short Stories
  • Learning English through Drama
  • Learning English through Popular Culture
  • Learning English through Debating 
  • Learning English through Social Issues
  • Learning English through Workplace Communication

留意返呢8個topic只係關於內容,唔等於要寫嗰個體裁嘅文章,所以當見到Learning English through short stories就唔好即刻以為係寫short stories啦,記住睇清楚題目要求、身分同埋立場!尤其係要寫debate speech 嘅文章好多時會有既定立場,如果無睇題目揀錯立場寫就玩完㗎啦!😭


大部分題目都係寫situational writing/one sided argumentative essay/two sided argumentative essay,所以文章嘅結構永遠都離唔開「起、承、轉、合」。而家就等小編講吓究竟「起、承、轉、合」應該包括啲咩啦!🤣



  1. Central idea
  2. Situation 
  3. Definition*
  4. Introducing statement


1. Central idea 其實可以當係一個開場白,以一啲同題目有關嘅idiomatic expressions 、設問、比喻嚟引起注意,例如:

  • Are you a blogger? You probably are. (08Q1)
  • In recent years, school bullying seems like a storm in a tea cup. (99Q1)


2. Situation 即係敘述下同題目有關嘅社會現況或者背景,例如:

  • Nowadays, when most ex-convicts are released and try to seek jobs, there are definite brick walls in front of them. (12Q8)
  • Recently, some movie stars have been criticized for staging extravagant weddings which cost far more than most couples would spend. (09Q2)


3. Definition,即係定義題目某啲key terms或concept (*如果題目無特別key terms或concept可以不用定義)。其中one sided argumentative essay同debate speech尤其需要定義,例如:

  • However, what does it mean by “value”? As one of the minorities who strongly and confidently supports the statement, I do think we should have a clearer definition on the word “value” in the statement, before we draw up any conclusion. (03Q2)
  • What is poverty? Poverty is a relative concept and it is all decided by comparison. (97Q1)


4. Introducing statement即係你寫呢篇文嘅立場或個人意見,預告下文內容,例如:

  • In this article, I am going to discuss our advantages over other Asian cities one by one. (00Q1)
  • If I am asked to choose between helping either poor elderly people or primary schoolchildren newly arrived from the mainland, after a long consideration, I would take the latter one. (04Q2)



  1. Topic sentence 
  2. Elaboration 
  3. Evaluation


1. Topic sentence即係呢段嘅中心論點,概括呢段嘅內容,同學可以用一句嚟寫中心句,切忌寫得太詳細。同學可以用提示字句 (indicator)嚟展示自己論點,例如:

  • The first cause of the issue is <reason 1>.
  • The second point is <point 2>.
  • More than that, <point 3> is one of the most important reasons/solutions. 


2. Elaboration即係推論,即係要解釋同埋印證論點,可以舉examples、figures、findings嚟增強說服力,並加以解釋,大約需要3至4句supporting sentences就可以啦。


3. Evaluation就係closing sentence,即係用一句concluding sentence概括成段內容,基本上同中心句差唔多,再加上自己嘅opinion,concluding sentence未必要用陳述句咁死板,用下反問、比喻嚟概括都有畫龍點睛嘅效果,不過唔好每段都同樣方式收尾。


轉,即係轉折段或過渡段,段落較短,有承上啓下嘅作用,用嚟概括上述嘅論點,再引出下文要講嘅其他論點,常見於two-sided argumentative essay (正反兩面),以及situational essay (成因及建議)。結構如下:

  1. Conclude the above-mentioned points 
  2. Introduce the forthcoming points



  • But on second thoughts, no one can deny that without social responsibilities and moral guidelines, all-round education is hard to achieve. In order to keep an eye on our society, it is much needed for us to arouse a sense of citizenship through some compulsory charity programmes. (正反兩面)
  • We cans ascribe these teenage drug problems to the lack of compulsory education about drug abuse and children’s, parents’ and social emphasis. In order to prevent further harm, we have to find out the root of the issues and tackle accordingly. (成因及建議)



  1. Writer’s objective opinion 
  2. Mediation and Reconciliation 
  3. Future predictions/Visions 


1. Writer’s objective opinion 其實就係你嘅立場/主觀意見,但為咗顯得自己客觀分析事件,我哋可以咁寫:

  • To put the matter simply, it seems reasonable to conclude that <your stance/view>.
  • Having applied the mentioned rationales, <your stance> will be a logical conclusion drawn, if we don’t confuse the definition.
  • Having weighted the benefits against the risks involved, <your stance> will be the conclusion, if we balance the pros and cons.


2. Mediation and Reconciliation 就係嘗試求同存異,指出兩面/持分者其實都有共同理念,或者最關注啲咩,例如:
Should all of us think about how we communicate others? Or should we consider other’s feeling when we use mobile phones? (00Q2)


3. Future predictions/Visions 就係展望將來,指出自己對未來有咩願景,希望問題得以解決,或者大家會共同努力,明天會更好之類嘅說話,圓滿收尾!例如:

  • It is hoped that with concerted effort will the issue be tackled.
  • It is hoped that we can treasure the resources we have in the world and use them in the most effective and efficient way.


以上就係小編英文Part B寫作結構嘅小小心得啦!記住呢個只係essay基本嘅結構,到時遇到唔同體裁寫作又會有唔同嘅格式同結構啦,之後有機會再同大家分享!😀


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