Focus On 系列包括四冊書籍,同時購買以下四冊書籍,更可享套裝優惠!
4. Focus on Short Stories(此書籍)
- This exercise book is for students preparing for the HKDSE English Language examinations. It aims to develop students' written comprehension of English and to enable them to answer questions on extracts from English short stories with confidence in the HKDSE English Language public exam.
- In this book are practice questions based on the practice paper published by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, to give students experience of the types of exercises that they will encounter in the exam. Answers to all questions are also provided, along with explanations to help students understand the passage and some of the key literary techniques that shape the text's meaning. Advanced vocabulary from the passages is also listed so that students can re-read the texts, checking that they understand these words and phrases in context.
- Overall, this book aims not only to give students the basic skills they need to tackle examination papers, but also to develop their ability to explore works of fiction independently.
- 此練習為應考文憑試英國語文科的學生編寫,旨在加深同學對英文小說的理解,使其可更有自信地應付文憑試中的英文小說篇章考題。
- 書中的十二個練習皆根據香港考評局之練習卷編寫,能讓同學熟習各種題目類型。所有題目均附答案及解釋,其中一些有助同學理解文意的小說技巧亦會詳加說明。參考答案末附設詞彙列表,同學可於完成練習後對照列表重讀文章,看看是否能夠掌握各詞項在實際語境的用法。
- 此書編撰之目的並不僅僅為教授同學應試技巧,亦期望能提升其閱讀英文小說篇章的能力,使其可憑藉自己的文學知識,深入探索英文短篇故事之美。
Original Press (Asia) Limited
260.00mm x 190.00mm x 10.00mm