《New Maths 全套數學練習優惠套裝》包括7冊書籍:
關於 New Maths 系列書籍:
• Maths for Junior Form Students is a series of Maths exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to 3 students. The exercises are organised into three major areas - Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling, in accordance with the current curriculum. This ensures a systematic way for revision on key concepts and techniques, as well as their applications on various aspects. In each topic, questions of different styles are set so that students can sharpen their skills and reinforce their understandings. Through these exercises, students can build up a solid foundation to meet the future challenges when they are promoted to senior forms (F4 - F6).
• Maths for Junior Form Students 是專為中一至中三同學度身訂造的一系列數學練習。練習按現行的課程綱要編寫,包含代數學、幾何學及數據處理三大範疇,能讓同學有系統地複習重要概念、答題方法,以及在各方面的應用技巧。由於每個課題中均設不同類型的問題,故有助同學提升解題技巧及加強對課題的理解。同學可藉着完成這些練習來建立穩固的基礎,作好準備以迎接日後高中課程的挑戰。
• Key features of the book:
◊ Contains nearly 400 questions
◊ Categorised into 3 levels of difficulty
◊ Worked examples in each sub-topic
◊ Solutions with detailed working steps
• 本書特點:
◊ 約400條題目
◊ 分為三個不同的難度
◊ 各小課題皆設例題
◊ 答案列明詳細計算步驟
關於《New Data Handling》
• Key features of the book:
◊ Contains nearly 180 questions
◊ Categorised into 3 levels of difficulty
◊ Worked examples in each sub-topic
◊ Solutions with detailed working steps
• 本書特點:
◊ 約180條題目
◊ 分為三個不同的難度
◊ 各小課題皆設例題
◊ 答案列明詳細計算步驟
關於《New Geometry 1-3》
• Key features of the book:
◊ Contains nearly 280 questions
◊ Categorised into 3 levels of difficulty
◊ Worked examples in each sub-topic
◊ Solutions with detailed working steps
• 本書特點:
◊ 約280條題目
◊ 分為三個不同的難度
◊ 各小課題皆設例題
◊ 答案列明詳細計算步驟